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OXIGEN salud, a company specialised in at-home respiratory therapies, offers several treatments to help patients with respiratory illnesses at home.
Among the most important at-home respiratory therapies we find oxygen therapy, CPAP for sleep apnoea, mechanical ventilation, aerosol therapy and airway suctioning, to name a few.
OXIGEN salud has a healthcare team made up of healthcare professionals who take care of patients in a personalised way in their homes to provide them with the greatest comfort and quality of life during the treatment of their illness. In each case, staff installs the electromedicine device and the necessary replacement material to ensure correct adherence to the treatment.
Thanks to this home care model, patients can follow their treatment without interruptions under the monitoring of the prescribing clinician, and without having to travel to healthcare centres.
The company also has educational programmes for different types of patients and treatments, as well as plans for good eating habits, physical activity, smoking cessation and psychological support for both patients and their families and carers.
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