Other respiratory therapies

As well as the main home respiratory therapies, OXIGEN salud can offer a range of others:


This therapy is used to improve the condition of patients with brain ischemia, sudden deafness and other diseases. It causes the blood vessels in the central nervous system to dilate. OXIGEN salud can come to the patient’s home to install compressed gas cylinders containing a certain mixture of CO2 and O2. The usual proportion of CO2 is 20 %, though other mixtures may be used. These cylinders and accessories are similar to those used in oxygen therapy.


This therapy consists of administering a mixture of helium and oxygen to treat conditions that reduce the diameter and resistance of the airways, such as severe asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchiolitis and croup.

The diameter of the airways and the density of the gas inhaled determine the airway resistance. When the helium and oxygen are breathed in, the airway resistance is lower, because the density of the mixture is lower than that of air (a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen and argon).

For this treatment, OXIGEN salud can come to the patient’s home to install compressed gas cylinders containing a certain mixture of helium and oxygen.

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Other home respiratory therapies

Aerosol therapy

It is a therapy that delivers medicines by inhaling so that they quickly reach the lungs.
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Obstructive sleep apnoea

OSA is the most frequent sleep-related breathing disorder.
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Airway suctioning

Some conditions cause the accumulation of secretions that the patient is unable to cough up.
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Airway clearance

Therapy for patients unable to expel their pulmonary secretions.
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Chest physiotherapy

Interdisciplinary intervention and fundamental clinical treatment of some patients with respiratory diseases.
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Home apnoea monitor for babies

Prevention method of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
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Pulse Oximetry

Pulse oximetry measures oxygen saturation in haemoglobin, that is, the amount of oxygen the blood carries.
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Oxygen therapy

It consists of administering oxygen at a higher concentration than it is found in the air (21 %) to treat hypoxia.
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Mechanical ventilation

A treatment that mechanically assists or substitutes the breathing of the patient through electromedical ventilators.
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