Gases to transport food

Liquid nitrogen and dry ice are used to keep food cool during transport

Sudden temperature changes can alter the state of food and cause the spread of germs and bacteria that diminish its quality. Therefore, it is paramount to keep food at adequate temperatures during transport.

OXIGEN salud supplies gases to transport food, such as liquid nitrogen or dry ice pellets (solid CO2). Both gases are used to transport fresh and frozen foods safely and at a controlled temperature.

There are different-sized cryogenic containers available with space for 5, 15, and 20 kg of pellets, and the possibility to distribute the exact amount requested by the client.

The following table provides an approximate indication of the amount of dry ice needed to transport frozen products:

Weight of frozen product Recommended dry ice weight for transit time
4 hours 12 hours 24 hours 2 days 3 days 4 days
0,4 kg 0,8 kg 1,6 kg 2,4 kg 4,8 kg 7,2 kg 9,6 kg
2,4 kg >1,2 kg 2 kg 3,2 kg 6 kg 9,6 kg 12,8 kg
4 kg 1,6 kg 2,4 kg 4 kg 7,2 kg 12 kg 16 kg
8 kg 2 kg 3,2 kg 6 kg 12 kg 18 kg 24 kg
20 kg 4 kg 8 kg 16 kg 30 kg 48 kg 64 kg

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Other gases supplied by OXIGEN salud

Gases for food and beverages

Designed to be an agent in the food and beverage production process and improve preservation.
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Gases for agriculture

Appropriate to enhance crop productivity.
Learn more

Gases for oenology

Convenient for producing and packaging wine and sparkling wine.
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Gases for the hospitality and restaurant industry

Used in cryogenic freezing, cocktails, patisserie and beverage dispensing.
Learn more

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